Quarantine Blogs 4/13-4/17

One whole month of quarantine. I find myself thinking about how at one point and time I was sitting in English class, cheering when the announcement came on the speaker, declaring that school would be cancelled; readily making plans, ecstatic that I would not have to attend school for a ~little while~. This month has been the slowest month I have ever lived through, I am currently under the impression that had we been in school and never been quarantined that we would already be half way through May. I didn’t realize how fast time passes when you have something to do- which is why now for the first time in my life I am grateful for school work as it provides me with something to do. As it stands now, both my brother and sister are at school, living and attending online classes at each of their universities leaving me at home with no one other than my parents. I am currently fighting a losing battle for them to come home soon, although my sister confirmed she’d be coming home by the end of April which seems so far away; my brother will probably come home sometime in May. Hopefully I won’t have to be reliant on my siblings to come home - who knows maybe the social distancing will end soon! Maybe we can go back to school, maybe we can return to a semi normal schedule. Maybe. 

Honestly I’m not sure what to write about. Ordinarily I could write about something that I did today but, unfortunately, today was spent mostly in my room, completing assignments, periodically leaving to get a snack. The food in my house consists of what my parents want to buy as I am not allowed to go to the store anymore. My go to snack is sliced apple and peanut butter but I have to say that I am getting a little bored of that. It’s hard to find variation recently, I’m listening to the same songs on repeat, sort of going through the same motions. I’m desperate for my brother and sister to come home, maybe they’ll introduce variation. I wish I had more to say about today but I’m not sure what else to add. 

Today I woke up with a bit of a surprise: snow on the trees surrounding my room and a bitter cold breeze coming in through my cracked window. It made for a very unpleasant walk to shut them as I was in a T-shirt and shorts. However, I am not too saddened by the presence of snow, with Chicago weather I am sure it’ll be gone by tomorrow. Honestly I don’t mind snow showing up today, I always hope for a change of scenery and I guess this counts. 

Yesterday I watched the six o’clock news. The country is beginning it’s journey to reopen which is exciting! However, I’m scared that this reopening might be a little premature- I mean I really want social distancing to be over, I want to leave my house, I want to see my friends, I want to go back to school and I want to go to restaurants but I’m worried that COVID-19 will just continue to spread. I hope this three step plan works and I hope things return to normal, I just wish I knew when this will end. I guess each day you get a little bit closer! 
