Quarantine Blogs 4/20-4/24

Seeing as I cannot leave my house I find that I have been spending a lot more time outside in my backyard, sitting in the sun and listening to music. I feel like now more so than ever that my mood is more affected by the weather occurring outside my window, this week with all the rain I haven’t gotten outside as much which makes for a less pleasant day. The other day I was thinking about whether or not I would’ve rather had COVID-19 come during the winter when you stay mostly inside anyway and when you aren’t inclined to go outside really because it’s so cold out. I think if I had a choice I would’ve rather had COVID-19 hit in the winter time, but only if I could guarantee that we could return to school. But at the same time, not only being forced to stay in your house during the stay at home order but also not being able to escape outside during that time would be really tough. Through this experience I have found that there is a BIG difference between choosing to sit around in your house and not do much and being forced to be that way. 

As the weather continues to improve, the more I think about summer. However, my expectations have been lowered a significant amount, instead of wanting to go to Lolla for all four days, going to the beach all the time, going out to eat with my friends, all I really want and am planning for is just spending time with my friends and people who I haven’t seen for this entire quarantine. I find that I don’t really care what we do, I don’t really mind where we are so long as I can leave my house and do something with people who it feels like I haven’t seen in years. I’m hoping the stay at home order will end soon, I feel like that is the biggest factor that makes this situation seem so foreign, just knowing that you can’t leave your house. Even if social distancing continues, I’m hoping that that will mean you can see people as long as you maintain your distance. Only time will tell I guess. 

I recently entered a baking phase in my quarantine time, I don’t know why I didn’t start doing it before as it occupies a lot of time, is pretty amusing and more often than not you make something that tastes really good! For whatever the reason the chocolate chip cookies that I make are never as good as I want or expect them to be so I guess I just need more practice. I’m thinking I’ll make banana bread today, I woke up and just really wanted banana bread so why not? Maybe by the end of this quarantine I’ll have mastered chocolate chip cookies.


  1. I think its really good that you are baking. I have recently been baking also, and its a good way to occupy time and feel productive. I tried your banana bread and it was really good! Keep practicing because I think thats one fun thing that quarantine does, it makes time for trying new things.

  2. Im make banana bread yesterday! It was FIRE!!!!! It had so many chocolate chips. You should totally make banana bread and drop some off for me ;). I noticed that alot of people are baking during their free time. I know I have.


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